Looking for a specific item?
The best way to see if we currently have an item that you are looking for is to give our locations a call. If we do not currently have what you seek you may choose to leave a Request with us.
When you file a Request with Wee Book Inn it is visible at all of our locations, there is no need to submit the same request for multiple stores.
Please note that our inventory is purchased from the general public, meaning that we do not order our books from a supplier. We need to have someone bring us the item you are seeking before we can purchase it ourselves and then make it available to you.
When we locate the item, it will be transferred to the location you wish to purchase it from. We will contact you about your item only after it arrives at its destination.
We do not process requests for single-issue comic books (graphic novels are acceptable), single-issue Manga, or car repair manuals.
Please do not leave requests for “any” or “all” works by a given author/artist, these requests may be ignored.